Time to act!

  • Tagungsort:

    TRIANGEL, Kronenplatz Karlsruhe

  • Datum:

    10. Januar 2024

  • Referent:

    Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob (hereon/GERICS)

  • Zeit:

    18 Uhr

  • The consequences of climate change are becoming more and more noticeable, as we can currently experience not only globally but also locally. Persistent periods of heat, heavy rain or flood events are becoming more and more frequent, also in Germany. Based on the results of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it is clear that in some regions of the world fewer droughts, heat waves, heavy rain events and floods would occur if global warming could be reduced to 1.5°C instead of 2° by the end of this century to limit C. It is therefore high time to promote climate protection and adaptation to the effects of climate change for all sectors and the society to avoid any further warming, because every half a degree counts. However, there are not only risks of climate change, but also opportunities on the way to a climate-adapted, resilient society in a 1.5°C world. Consequently, there is an urgent need to empower local communities to act and implement solutions towards a sustainable and climate resilient transformation. Science can play a major role by combining sound scientific work and innovative solution-oriented methods with the stakeholder-driven views and expertise on challenges and their solution and transformation needs..