Course Cataloge

WS 2024/25
Title Type Time Target Group Information
Workshop ENZo members
lecture doctoral researchers, master students and everybody interested in the topic

Registration via Ilias (00035) is highly recommended, not required

Workshop ENZo members
SS 2024
Titel Typ Zeit Zielgruppe Hinweis
Workshop ENZo members
lecture everybody, interested in energy topics

The lecture on July, 11th has to be canceled!
The topic will be postponed to the winter term.

Workshop ENZo members



WS 2023/24
Title Type Time Target Group Information
Lecture all KIT members, especially doctoral researchers and master students; interested public

registration via Ilias  (00035) - highly recommended, not required

Workshop ENZo members
project participants
Workshop ENZo members
Workshop ENZo members


Workshop ENZo-members; other doctoral researchers, post-docs

non-members ENZo: please register via

Workshop ENZo members; other doctoral researchers, post-docs

non-members ENZo: please register via

lecture Promovierende, Master-Studierende
Workshop ENZo members
SS 2023
Title Type Time Target Group Information
lecture all KIT members, especially doctoral researchers and master students; interested public

registration via Ilias - not mandatory

ENZo Promovierende
all researchers in the field of energy - especially young scientists

more information: website KIT Energy Center

seminar ENZo members
WS 2022/23
Titel Typ Zeit Ort Zielgruppe Hinweis

Bldg. 11.40, R231

KIT members, especially doctoral researchers and master students; interested public

registration favored via Ilias (00035)


ENZo Promovierende
Seminar (2-tägig)


ENZo Promovierende
Workshop ENZo members only
ENZo members (doctoral researchers, supervisors, ENZo team)


ENZo Mitglieder (ENZo-Promovierende, Betreuende, ENZo-Team)


Workshop ENZo Promovierende
ENZo members

registration via Ilias; ENGLISH


CS, Engler-Bunte-HS (40.50)

target group: KIT scientists interested in "Negative Emission Technologies"

please register by Feb, 22
registration form

SS 2022
Title Type Time Place Information

30.41 Chemie-HS1

interested KIT members, especially doctoral researchers and master students

Registration via Ilias


online / presence

ENZo members

registration via Ilias